The possibility and risk of terrorism, war, and politically charged attacks are increasing everywhere you look. For business owners, the best approach to the uncertainly this presents is to couple risk management strategy with effective coverage. Standard commercial polices prior to 9/11 included coverage for terrorism. Today, however, coverage must be bought separately.
To tailor the most appropriate and cost-effective plan for your business and its unique circumstances and exposures, get with an IOA expert.
Terrorism Risk and Insurance Act (TRIA)
Under TRIA, commercial property owners—office buildings, malls, factories, apartment buildings, etc.—must be offered the option of terrorism coverage. This coverage is good only for a certified attack declared by the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury.
What is not covered under terrorism insurance:
- War: Acts of war are almost never covered because they are fundamentally uninsurable.
- NBCR: Nuclear, biological, chemical, and radiological events may be excluded.